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Dental Hygiene: Top Ways to Take Care of Oral Health

It often gets overlooked, but our oral health is extremely precious. Not only does great oral health help to preserve the appearance of your smile and the day to day functionality of your teeth, but studies have also shown that there’s an irrefutable link between oral health and our overall health. Patients with chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and more are all much more likely to have poor oral health.


With so much at stake, there’s no question that we should be prioritizing our oral health. Fortunately, there are quite a few steps that we can take to ensure that our teeth and mouth remain healthy and in good condition for as long as possible. Here are our top tips on ways to take care of your oral health.

Brush your teeth twice every day

It may seem the most obvious thing in the world, but there are still plenty of people that don’t brush their teeth the recommended two times each day. Experts agree that brushing your teeth is the single most important thing you can do for your oral health. Brushing removes plaque that constantly forms on the teeth, and this plaque contains acids and bacteria that attack the teeth and spread onto the gums, putting your oral health at risk. Make sure you brush once in the morning, and again before bed, for at least two minutes each time.

Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste


There are lots of different toothbrushes to choose from, but it’s important to select one with soft bristles and a small head. This will be easier to move around inside your mouth, and soft bristles will clean your teeth and gums without damaging them. You should also make sure that you choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. This is because fluoride remineralizes the teeth and makes them stronger.

Factor in time to floss


Flossing is another key element to achieving great oral health, but many people find it time-consuming or fiddly and decide to regularly skip this important habit. Nevertheless, flossing is crucial to successfully remove the plaque that forms in the tiny gaps between your teeth, otherwise, decay and gum disease can develop. In fact, flossing is considered to be one of the most effective ways of preventing gum disease. If you struggle to use ordinary floss, consider using an alternative solution such as an interdental brush or water flossers.

Stop smoking

Smoking is very bad news for your oral health as well as your overall health and wellbeing. Studies show that people who smoke are more likely to develop dental problems such as decay and gum disease. One of the main reasons for this is because smoking inhibits blood flow to the gums and makes it harder for our bodies to fight infection, such as that which occurs in gum disease. Smoking increases your risk of gum recession, which makes gum disease and associated health problems more likely too. Stop smoking and your wallet, your doctor, and your dentist will thank you!

Get your teeth professionally cleaned

Brushing at home is the most important thing you can do for your oral health, but dentists also recommend that all patients attend at least one professional dental clean each year. If any areas of plaque are missed when you brush your teeth, these can harden into a substance known as tartar and tartar can only be removed using professional equipment. Your dentist also has a better view of your teeth and can perform a superior clean that can keep your teeth and mouth healthier for longer. Make sure that you have professional dental cleans in addition to your usual schedule of regular check-ups.


For more advice on how to take care of your oral health, or to schedule an appointment with our expert dental care team please call us today.