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Periodontal Maintenance: What It Is and Why It Is Important

Over the years, regular dental cleanings have grown in popularity. More people are interested and invested in keeping their teeth healthy and looking bright. Regular dental checkups usually go hand in hand with dental cleanings. Moreover, these options are great even for people with healthy teeth. 


What Is Periodontal Disease? 


Periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent dental issues in the U.S. today. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a condition that starts by affecting your gums and then your teeth and eventually your tooth roots and supporting structures. 


Stages of Periodontal Disease




Gingivitis is the first and mildest stage of periodontal disease. The condition may go unnoticed, especially if you do not brush often. It is relatively painless and usually does not cause any discomfort. The main symptoms are red puffy gums and bleeding when brushing or flossing. Of all the stages of gum disease, it is the only time you can entirely reverse the impact on your teeth and gums. 


Mild Periodontitis


If untreated, gingivitis advances to mild periodontitis, which results in gums pulling away and forming pockets. Plaque then begins to accumulate in the exposed bone tooth, forming tartar and calculus. Your toothbrush and floss cannot reach these places, so it only worsens. You will start to lose some bone mass around the periodontal pockets.


Moderate Periodontitis


In this stage, your bone loss becomes worse, with the bacteria causing more damage. The bacteria eat away at the supporting structures of your teeth and the soft tissues. At this point, your gums start to feel sore and tender. 


Severe Periodontitis


If you still do not get treatment for your periodontitis, the symptoms worsen as the bacteria eat away at your tooth roots. You may start having teeth fall out, your gums may produce pus, and you may get oral infections. 


What Is Periodontal Maintenance?


When you go to a dentist and notice you have periodontal disease, they will perform a dental cleaning and periodontal maintenance. It is a more advanced form of dental cleaning that deals with all the plaque, tartar, and calculus that advances the condition. 


Benefits of Periodontal Maintenance


Aesthetics and Fresh Breath


With periodontal maintenance, the dentist will make your teeth look much better. You will smile more confidently as the pockets with plaque are clean and do not stick out like a sore thumb. The dentist will ensure you have fresh breath. Periodontitis can lead to bad breath because of the trapped bacteria in the pockets.


Gum Cleaning


In maintenance, the dentist will ensure they clean above and below the gumline. It helps ensure any bacteria hiding in the folds are eliminated. 


Root Planing and Scaling


Root planing and scaling are the most important among these. It helps ensure that all the bacteria, tartar, and calculus are eliminated. They use special tools to ensure they polish your teeth and even exposed roots. They may also place antibiotic fibers in the pockets to keep bacteria from collecting.


For more on what periodontal maintenance is and why it is important, contact John K. See, DDS, at our office in Camarillo, California. Call (805) 920-8600 to book an appointment today.